Американська хімчистка (метро «Мінська»)

  • Номер телефону
  • Адреса
    проспект Володимира Івасюка, 27, Київ
  • Години праці
    Пн-Сб 9:00-20:00

Першокласна хімчистка речей в Києві на Мінській

Перевірена хімчистка в Києві на Оболоні буде цікава всім, хто проживає в Україні, в Києві, на проспекті Героїв Сталінграда, в районі станції метро «Мінська», наближених територіях. Якщо ваша улюблена річ забруднилася або вимагає догляду, тоді звертайтеся в «Американську хімчистку». Ми пропонуємо тільки сучасні методики обробки речей, використовуємо безпечні засоби, що гарантує бездоганний результат.

Послуги компанії

Наша хімчистка знаходиться на Оболоні, тому територіально дозволяє всім жителям цього району без проблем доставити речі. Для тих, хто не має такої можливості, або не орієнтується по карті, працює послуга доставки в обидві сторони – і з дому та до дому. Отримавши речі, які потребують очищення, фахівці уважно їх оглядають. На цьому етапі важливо визначитися з тим, як буде проводитися чистка. Існує кілька методів, вибір відповідного способу залежить від:

  • типу матеріалу, його структури, особливостей;
  • наявності / відсутності декоративних елементів, мереживних елементів, інших вставок;
  • ступеня забруднення, характеру його походження.

Тільки після вивчення всіх цих чинників наші фахівці підбирають оптимальний варіант чистки, щоб гарантувати свіжість і блиск виробів. Іноді клієнти надсилають фото речей, щоб фахівці відразу визначили ціну послуги.

До основного переліку наших послуг відносять:

  • хімчистка штор, гардин, їх обробка паром;
  • виконання чистки килимових покриттів, в тому числі і з промислових підприємств, офісів;
  • позбавлення від забруднень на куртках, пуховиках, шубах, вітровках, пальто, інших елементах верхнього гардеробу;
  • обробку шкіряних, хутряних виробів;
  • чистку і прасування текстильного одягу;
  • проведення ремонту різного роду взуття, сумок.

Наша хімчистка пропонує великий спектр послуг, що дозволяє виконати всі необхідні маніпуляції в одному місці, заощадивши гроші і час на пошук відповідних ательє.

Чому варто звернутися до нас?

Фахівці «Американської хімчистки» здатні впоратися з різними забрудненнями одягу, вони мають великий досвід роботи, тому готові виконати будь-яке замовлення. Але крім професійного підходу, ми гарантуємо:

  • використання тільки екологічно чистих і гіпоалергенних засобів для роботи;
  • доступні ціни на весь спектр послуг;
  • періодичну організацію акцій;
  • надання термінового експрес-чищення, що особливо актуально перед важливими заходами, які раптово виникли;
  • виконання роботи в чітко встановлені терміни;
  • тільки позитивні відгуки клієнтів ;
  • консультування з усіх питань.

Звернувшись до нас ви можете бути впевненими в безпеці і майбутньої краси речей. Дбайливе ставлення до кожного виробу, вибір атравматичного методу очищення – гарантія першокласного результату.

Відгуки про відділення

Bohdan Kudovbenko
Bohdan Kudovbenko
13:29 11 Jul 24
The wife handed over the sandals. Discussed what needs to be done. I came to pick it up - services were performed that we did not discuss, and of course they had to be paid for separately.
Анастасия Кудовбенко
Анастасия Кудовбенко
13:03 11 Jul 24
I was too careless to use the "services" of this dry cleaner and I want to warn others against having the same negative experience.Here, everyone thinks you're an idiot, from the jerk at the reception to their so-called masters.When you give very detailed instructions about what you need to repair, everything is described even in the receipt,... but their master decides for you how it will be better and does the opposite of what is indicated in the receipt without even calling or asking the owner. Then they bill you for work that you clearly asked not to do.Argument: well, the master did the work.And anyway, he did the work you asked him not to do.After you, they also put up a stupid insolvent bum at the reception)I think even in the market, such uneducated workers do not work.As a solution to the situation, it was suggested to take back the shoes, remove the seams that he adjusted there, leave me the holes that he made, wait another week and then they will return my shoes and will not take money for the work that I asked not to do)I strongly recommend business owners to pay attention to the terrible service from your unskilled workers.Well, I recommend to everyone else not to use the services of this Sharask office.read more
Татьяна Нема
Татьяна Нема
14:40 30 Dec 23
Today is December 30. In Google maps it is written that they are open today until 20:00. I specially drove from Khotyanivka. I arrived and the shutters were down, the dry cleaners were closed... you have to respect people and report schedule changes on the website or in Google Maps. You are not professional! And be closed all next year. This is my... wish for you.read more
Bogdana Kh
Bogdana Kh
17:50 22 Nov 23
That's 100 out of 10! Friendly and attentive employees and the best quality of services (for an adequate price). Thank you!
Olena G
Olena G
17:20 14 Oct 23
Super dry cleaning! They cleaned every spot on the jackets, and they did it quickly! I will contact you again 🙂
Руслан Ткаченко
Руслан Ткаченко
13:10 29 May 23
Very cool dry cleaning, I recommend it, the result is completely what you expect, even better. Very friendly, responsible staff and always the shortest deadlines!
Денис Тищенко
Денис Тищенко
11:37 13 Feb 22
Things are cleaned well!!! But do not try to rent carpets, cooperate with someone who “cleans” carpets! But hand them over, throw money away!
Марія Гордіца
Марія Гордіца
11:33 04 Jan 22
Very nice lady at the reception. Work fast like elves!
C Do Re
C Do Re
10:39 30 Nov 21
Excellent service, timely and most importantly quality cleaning.
Людмила Кушнір
Людмила Кушнір
14:21 27 Nov 21
Modern and honest, pleasant impressions of work and service.
Chris Caro
Chris Caro
17:54 17 Nov 21
I handed over a black down jacket with stains and dirt. I haven't cleaned it even once in the 3 years since I bought it. I didn't expect to get such a cool result. Looks like brand new after wet cleaning. Super. Now I will clean things here all the time. It was so dirty that I expected to paint it again after cleaning, but here it turned out that... cleaning was enough. Where there were stains there was no trace left. Paid 700 UAH. Absolutely deserved. I wish you continued success.read more
Ларіса Кохненко
Ларіса Кохненко
15:32 12 Aug 21
I really liked how we were greeted, a nice, professional receptionist. The product was cleaned quickly and efficiently. Unambiguously, we will contact you again.
Dimitry Ovdiichuk
Dimitry Ovdiichuk
09:04 12 Aug 21
700 UAH C grade suit. Refreshed, there were a couple of spots. Thanks to the friendly staff! Tatyana knows how to smile)
Olya Gerasimchuk
Olya Gerasimchuk
12:24 12 Jul 21
Near the subway, supermarket "Silpo".
Игорь Мироненко
Игорь Мироненко
12:06 14 Jun 21
Very friendly staff, good quality and it is very important that everything is always clear with the deadlines!
Yury Romanjuk
Yury Romanjuk
17:19 26 May 21
Friendly staff. Adequate prices. A wide range of services not only dry cleaning but also repair of clothes, footwear.
Siberian Murder Hornet
Siberian Murder Hornet
16:42 15 Apr 21
They do everything quickly and well, they turned a non-wearable second-hand bag into an adequate jacket 🙂
Юлія Ничипорчук
Юлія Ничипорчук
05:53 12 Oct 20
Very pleased with the quality and price! Repair and clean shoes that others did not want to take! Excellent shoemaker, I recommend
Артур Карпунец
Артур Карпунец
15:20 27 Aug 20
Very high quality and quickly done, thanks againI definitely recommend
Виталина Брест
Виталина Брест
14:13 15 Jul 20
The light sheepskin coat was my mistake, I realized this long ago, but nevertheless I love her, very beautiful and the money was fine. I rent it for cleaning quite often, a couple of times a season and when I cook for storage. They clean it carefully, I did not notice any defects. I trust her only to them.
Cool My
Cool My
18:49 02 Mar 20
The rude, over-the-top attitude of Ludmila (she took on cleaning clothes, the manager) - reflected the desire to become your user, had used Unmomento services before, but you are close, so she turned for the first time. Surely do not recommend!
Андрей Черничко
Андрей Черничко
08:20 25 Oct 19
Back in the spring, during the bench painting season, I painted my jeans and jacket. I thought there was no way to save me. Six months later (as you understand, the paint had dried a long time ago) I decided to just stop by and ask - they told me to bring it. I handed over my things and picked them up a couple of days later - not a trace of paint,... things like new! Very pleased, I recommend!read more
Павел Игнатьев
Павел Игнатьев
10:56 19 Aug 19
I have been using this dry cleaning service since it opened. I really like the results, it’s very convenient that they also have a clothing repair service.Very pleased with the results.It would be great to make it possible to offer discounts to regular customers or when the number of items is more than 3, for example.I recommend it to everyone... (as an artist, good appearance of clothes and their condition are important to me.Here you will get everything done to perfection! ). 🙂read more
Roman Boyarchuk
Roman Boyarchuk
19:04 06 Jan 19
Well, what can I say... After reading the reviews here, I thought that everything would be fine, both with quality and service... For me, it was the first time for dry cleaning of jackets, before they just washed them themselves. There were already 8 items, including: a large down jacket, 3 jackets, 3 fleeces and one cashmere coat. I collected it... all and went to hand it over. What can I say... Everything that is written here has been confirmed. Very friendly staff (and simply nice and beautiful girls), they did everything as promised, on time (they cleaned 8 items in 3 days), but most importantly, we are delighted with how things look! Yes, some aspects were not corrected (slicked elbows of the jacket and a couple of other places), but they warned about this immediately upon admission, everything is absolutely logical and there are no questions here. But otherwise, things became like new! We will continue to contact them. Highly recommend!read more
Александр Ч.
Александр Ч.
15:06 13 Mar 18
Very cozy dry cleaners. Everything is done very quickly. Can be day to day.There are shoe and clothing repairs.Friendly staff. Especially Ludmila!!!
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